Paper Quilts

When I remember my own hikes and experiences walking through various landscapes, I remember specific details. I have more memories of specific things along walks and hikes than of grand vistas. I wanted to create pieces that focused on the way my memories of places intermingle with each other in my head. When I visit a place, I do not just see what is in front of me; the thoughts and memories of other people and places are sparked by what I am currently seeing. In that way, places that are physically far apart become intermingled in the minds of those that visit them. To represent these ideas, I decided to create pieces made up of details and textures from many of the places that are important to me. I used images from the places represented in the relief prints. Hiking through places and later reflecting on those places brings me comfort, so I decided to use quilt structures to imply the comfort received from a quilt. Just as there is interest in looking at the vast panorama of a landscape, the landscape quilts ask to be taken in as a whole, while also rewarding the viewer for taking a closer look. Each square is connected to the others with the Landmark relief prints. In these pieces, I am playing with ideas of memory, comfort, and the interconnectedness of different places.


44.5” x 44.5”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints


Refract (Trees Out the Car Window)

29.5” x 29.5”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints



37” x 37”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints


The Window

37” x 37”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints


Blurred Memories

57” x 57”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints



88” x 88”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints



85.25” x 85.25”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints



100” x 85”

assembled photolithograph and relief prints


